Each year, on 5th June, we celebrate World Environment Day. Supported by many organisations and individuals it is seen as an opportunity to promote and educate on various issues facing the environment and people’s efforts to resolve them.
This year the theme is land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience. Whilst the second two are not things we have direct experience of in the UK, the first is a subject close to our hearts.
In the past, when our awareness and understanding of nature wasn’t quite what it is now, little thought was given to the impact our development had on the land. Whether that be damming a river, removing a forest, or ploughing wildflower meadows, there wasn’t the education in place to help people to be aware of the long term implications. As people have expanded at scale, so too has the scale of the impact.
There are now projects in place worldwide, including throughout the UK, focused on restoring these lands back to suitable habitats for the flora and fauna species that perhaps once lived there. The various methods by which this can be achieved are beyond the scope of this article, but here are a few ways we here at Multivill are working towards land restoration goals.
Tree planting. One of our primary goals is always to plant as many trees as possible. We have pledged, as part of our arboricultural division, to plant twice as many trees as we cut down. We understand there can be good and valid reasons to remove trees, but we don’t see any good reason not to replace them.
Habitat Preservation. We encourage the idea of maintaining and preserving habitat wherever we can, and one of our primary sources for this is the trees that have cause to be removed. Whilst the branches have potential to fall and cause injury, and so must be removed, the trunk can be maintained in place, where the wood will rot and crumble. This provides excellent habitat and food source for a variety of species.
Sustainable industry. Our primary goal is to encourage the industries we inhabit to be more sustainable, with our main industries being tree services, land clearance, and forestry. These industries have historically seen less than ideal practises, but as our understanding has developed, they’ve started to make efforts to be more environmentally considerate. With the innovations we are pioneering, we aim to do what we can to help.
We hope you have a great day and that you find a little time to reflect on what you can do to help the environment